It might be hard to believe, but I’m often reluctant to tell people I’m an astrologer when I first meet them. I like to feel the situation out first because what I do seems to provoke a variety of unusual reactions from people.

If you know you have said any of the following things to me or another astrologer at some point, then know this: you inspired this blog post!

Picture the scene:

“So what do you do for a living?”

“…I’m an Astrologer”

Scenario one

Eyebrows lift as though assisted by helium, usually followed by “oh wow that’s different” (if speaking to a polite person) or a shocked expression followed by “why would you want to do that?” (if speaking to a not-so polite person)

I’m just told you I’m an astrologer – Not Jeffrey Dahmer!

Scenario two

Another good one is the sympathetic head tilt and pained expression as I explain what I do. People actually look at me like I‘ve just introduced them to my imaginary friend.

Scenario three

Then there’s the awkward crossed-wires: “I’d love to own a telescope, I think space is so interesting”. 

I then have to explain the difference between Astronomy and Astrology, which often leads back to scenario one or two, and occasionally scenario four…

Scenario four

Once the cat’s out the bag and people have learned about what I do, some people actually AVOID me! It’s interesting how people cope with someone who dares to follow their true path in life rather fitting in to the cookie-cutter mould which society expects of them.

As Jack Nicholson says in the film Easy Rider, people talk about freedom but when they see it, it scares them.

After these initial scenarios, one of the following reactions usually follow…

Reaction #1

“Oh yeah? So what am I thinking right now?”

This statement is often followed by an open palm being thrust under my nose. I’m an astrologer, not a palmist!

Now I’m not saying I don’t have psychic tendencies, but that doesn’t mean I walk around hearing everyone’s internal monologue.

However, I’m pretty sure if I could hear inside the head of the person asking me this question, they’d be thinking:

“What a load of bollocks

Reaction #2

“If you can prove it, I’ll believe it.”

In the past I’ve succumbed to pressures of proving what I do; interpreting areas of the sceptic’s chart, my efforts are usually met with disinterest and critique.

These people don’t want to do the hard work; for them to believe, they want me to hand them a scroll from Oxford University declaring Astrology back on the curriculum (it used to be once upon a time)

Astrological knowledge isn’t something you suddenly wake up with; It’s a lifetime of analysis, conversation, courses and research. There’s an art to understanding, interpreting and articulating the symbolism of the natal chart, requiring time, patience and dedication.

Like most astrologers, I started out studying my own chart. No one proved it to me, I proved it to myself.

Even Elle Woods had to work for it!

Reaction #3

“If star signs are real then each twelfth of the world would have the exact same day.”

This is a sweeping statement which doesn’t address the depth of astrology; if one twelfth of the world had the same day, we’d all know about it and horoscopes would be the main headline on the news.

People making these comments think that astrology is based on the sun sign alone and as all astrologers will tell you, the Sun is just the tip of the astrological iceberg! 

I live with mirror image twins born 10 minutes apart. The younger twin is in a relationship with a girl who was born on the same day and year as them, twelve hours earlier in a different part of England.

The three of them are very different people with different stories to tell. However, there are echos of similarity in their life experience, and timings of their life events are uncannily in-line with each other.

Being born just a few minutes apart can drastically affect the natal chart, including the sign and degree of the ascendant and lunar placement. We’re all different and the natal chart serves to highlight this for me.

Pop-astrology and horoscopes have their place. But they’ll never compare to the depth of a personal reading with a professional astrologer, in the same way calling up KACL to speak to Dr Frasier Crane could never replace a one-to-one session with a psychotherapist.

Reaction #4

“What are the odds it’s all just a load of nonsense?”

I find this to be the most bewildering of comments. Why would I spend so much time doing what I do? Why would I write endlessly about transits coming up? Why would I want to waste one moment of my precious time on this planet doing what I do, if I genuinely thought it was a load of nonsense?

Quite frankly, I wouldn’t – I’m a Capricorn FFS!

I do what I do because my life improved so dramatically from my first reading that I wanted to share its healing qualities with other people. I do what I do to empower people to become the best version of themselves, to help them through difficult times, to show people there is a light at the end of the tunnel in a crisis.Stellium Astrology Customer Reviews

I know what I am doing works, as I get good feedback from my clients.

I can see astrology working whether I am looking for it or not. Once the brain is wired to recognise these things, they just present themselves – sometimes in such simple and amazing ways you have to smile.

This is a statement all astrologers will relate to, but those who don’t understand or practice astrology will struggle to accept.

Reaction #5

“What you do is dangerous and misleading”

This comment is loaded with judgement and preconceived ideas. Often the person making this statement has never had a reading but assumes they know what goes on in a consultation, has been brought up in a home where astrology is considered demonic, or has a friend of a friend of a friend who had a bad experience.

In truth, a bad astrological consultation can do a lot of damage, in the same way bad teachers can damage the confidence of their students. I had bad teachers growing up who impacted my confidence terribly, but I also had some incredible teachers who undid the damage of the past.

I decided to study at a reputable astrology school with an internationally renowned principal where I learned not only astrology, but also ethical consultation skills. The tutors that teach there work as consulting astrologers, counsellors and psychotherapists.

Every profession has its charlatans, cowboys and crooks

This doesn’t mean that there aren’t charlatans out there who say they can read a birth chart when actually their sole intention is to rip you off.

However, THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT ASTROLOGERS! They are people who DO NOT have your best interests at heart. That is why there are regulating bodies and organisations set up to ensure the practicing astrologers registered with them are qualified, trustworthy, and professional. If this is not your experience, you can report back to the regulators to ensure these crooks aren’t able to practice anymore.

I am registered with the Astrological Association in the UK, and you can also check out the credentials of astrology schools as well as individual astrologers with the Association of Professional Astrologers International.

My Advice:

Do your research. Find an astrologer with credentials you can trust or go by recommendation. A good astrologer will have a conversation with you beforehand if you want to see how you feel about booking a consultation with them. There are many different branches and techniques practiced, so if they think you are looking for something a little bit different, they will recommend a suitable astrologer for your specific needs. If the astrologer you have found isn’t willing to do this, then they probably aren’t the astrologer for you.