As I am at an astrology conference in Covent Garden this weekend, I have only the horoscopes written and not the monthly overview – I will add this when I get home on Monday! Enjoy your horoscopes for the coming month.

September 2018 Horoscope Key Dates

  • 03rd – Mars sextile Venus
  • 05th – Mercury quincunx Mars
  • 06th – Mercury in Virgo | Saturn Direct
  • 07th – Sun Opposite Neptune | Mercury trine Saturn | Mercury trine Uranus
  • 08th – Venus square Mars
  • 09th – New Moon at 17 Virgo 18:01 BST | Venus in Scorpio
  • 11th – Mars in Aquarius | Sun sextile Jupiter | Sun trine Pluto
  • 12th – Venus opposite Uranus | Jupiter sextile Pluto
  • 13th – Venus sextil Saturn
  • 14th – Mercury opposite Neptune
  • 16th – Mercury sextile Jupiter | Mercury trine Pluto
  • 18th – Mars square Uranus – Final hit!
  • 21st – Sun conjunct Mercury
  • 22nd – Mercury in Libra
  • 23rd – Sun in Libra | Mercury square Saturn | Mercury quincinx Uranus
  • 24th – Sun quincunx Uranus | Mercury trine Mars
  • 25th – Full Moon at 2 Aries 02:52 BST (opposite Mercury, sextile Mars, square Saturn)
  • 27th – Sun trine Mars
  • 30th – Mercury quincunx Neptune


With some luck at the beginning of the month, a female friend could provide an opportunity which opens up a new and exciting pathway for you. Make sure you seize the day and take the opportunity. Your ruling planet Mars is finally direct (phew!) though now you might be on a completely different course than the one he started out from back in May. Work and routine are highlighted for you with the focus shifting to your relationships from the 23rd, there will be an element of self-reflection and reviewing progress as you look at how far you have come and what is working for you. Be clear about your role with colleagues and work and make sure you are all pulling in the same direction. The 7th is a good time to have a clarifying conversation which can address any issues which may come up as a result of friction or confusion. From struggling to implement plans to suddenly having the ability to lay down a basic framework for your ideas, expect things to fall into place from the 11th, and be mindful that there may still be an element of adaptation required. Expect a final spontaneous and sudden shift on the 18th which gives you a chance to recalibrate your course one last time, having the final piece of the jigsaw to move forward. With the Full Moon in Aries raising your awareness to your own personal journey and the progress you have made, a serious conversation could prompt a commitment or action to be taken.


Your relationships get an added dose of amiability from the 9th, and approaching that date, you can make time for a bit more ‘you-time’ in your daily routine. With a strong desire to change things up and embrace something out of the ordinary, you could find the humdrum of daily life to be testing your patience, somewhat. The temptation to take spontaneous action isn’t your usual style, but since Uranus ingressed Taurus back in May, you’ve felt a shift in your entire outlook. With that in mind, try to make measured changes rather than throwing the baby out with the bathwater and remember that the decisions you make now will have a long-term impact. A heads up: From the 12th to the 18th, a conversation could have you on tenterhooks and if you feel you have been craving for a change of scene at work, you might decide to take the plunge and look elsewhere. With your ruling planet Venus going retrograde in October, consider that things may change course or you might change your mind regarding something of value to you (like a relationship or new piece of furniture). This could have a knock-on effect with work so be prepared to work with uncertainty, once again. You may even have an ex-partner re-enter your life. The Full Moon opens your eyes to the potential of during something more meaningful. Transitional periods highlighted you could be looking back at your previous 7 years and the changes that occurred as a result.


Mercury is direct and you are able to articulate your thoughts far better now. The moon in Gemini on the 3rd triggers you into action, and a situation which culminated in December last year reaches its closing phase. Venus enters pre-shadow on the same day which addresses issues of compromise, self-sabotage, and sacrifice. During September, exploration of your emotional basement will entice you. A conflict of duality pulls you in two directions and asks you look to the past to find some stability. However, this might take you to your comfort zone when in fact, the New Moon offers the opportunity to take a leap of faith. It is time to acknowledge the process you have been through and think about how to continue to grow from this point forward without getting distracted from your goal. A change in mindset is facilitated from the 7th which could free you from responsibility and heavy burdens. When Mars enters Aquarius on the 11th, the urge for spontaneity may overwhelm you. Remember that the urge to escape can be strong so make sure you really do want to go because you might not be able to return once you’ve walked out that door. Having a moment of clarity on the 21st, you will reach a point of realisation which allows you to reconnect with your inner joy acting as a release if you’ve forgotten how – especially since eclipse season and the multi-retrograde madness! This follows some serious conversations which have the ability to shift your perspective whilst taking you through the darkest recesses of your mind and transforming your daily rituals. Working on a joint or community project will reach a point of culmination on the 25th which puts your contributions in the spotlight for public recognition.


The month begins with you feeling the need to go within and have a break from the outside world. Relationships may be feeling the strain, so the pressure and feeling that situations have been non-negotiable will start to make a shift in the right direction. With the picturesque ambiance in your home of late, creating valuable memories fills you with happiness. The shift when Venus moves into Scorpio on the 9th intensifies your relationship bonds and creates a new intensity in your home and shared goals with others. Creating local connections is important for you for the coming 18 months and an idea that you have on the 9th allows you to develop your local network by assisting others nearby who may need your skills and expertise. A group project which requires your creative input could demand some precision focus and may actually consume more of your time than you were planning to invest. Obsessing over a toxic friendship could bring up some deeper emotional issues which cause you to look at your relationships in equal measure. This certainly seems a month of addressing extremes. With confrontational Mars leaving your relationship zone from the 11th, you’ll be able to focus on your commitments and career aspirations. Basking in the glory of the Full Moon on the 25th, you’ll be recognised for your initiative and research skills when left to work unsupervised. You may even be asked to take the lead on a new project! Go you!


Personal wealth and self-esteem are highlighted for you this month; after examining what really matters, you might decide you are worth more. A couple of different projects come together ready for you to add your personal touch. If you have been thinking of looking for a new job, this might be the month that you start the search for the perfect placement. Juggling two jobs might appeal more whilst looking for something suitable – try to keep things simple and be true to yourself and your needs at this time.

If you’ve had a lot going on at home, things will feel easier from the 9th as amicable Venus brings her tolerant and harmonious vibe across the threshold. Spending time going within and hunkering down at home is just what the doctor ordered and as the month draws on, it will feel easier to deal with challenges which normally bog you down. You’ll be gearing up for a bit more social time in September and with Mars direct now, you’ll be looking at things from a more philosophical perspective, able to integrate the recent shifts into your routine. There’s a chance you’ve been dealing with some changes in your energy output as far as relationships are concerned. You might be moving in a completely different direction to the one you started out on, back at the end of June. Redirecting your energy and establishing some firm boundaries, the 11th gives you a chance to iron out the creases and start fresh, making your future plans a priority.


Mercury is direct – what a relief! You may have been looking back at times where you felt trapped in some way, contemplating the lessons you learned from this time in your life. You’re in the spotlight until the 23rd so take this time to enjoy focussing on what you want to do and where you want to be going for the year ahead. From the 6th, your ruling planet Mercury moves into your first house making it possible to integrate your ideas with your output. You will be especially good at multitasking at this time and able to juggle a lot of tasks. Being able to balance your financial situation more easily than usual, If you’ve been planning a holiday it might be that you decide to book one in the early part of the month. You will get a burst of energy in your daily routine from the 11th September which will give you lots of ideas about how to make your day job work for you. Taking your extra-curricular activities seriously, you will have been coming up with ideas about how you can channel this venture into something you really care about. The Full Moon is in your shared wealth and commitments zone highlights a situation at work which is the culmination of 18 months of vision and concept, bringing you a source of income from a locally grown project. If you are owed money, you might see it returned to you, Though I wouldn’t bank on getting interest on that!!

Venus is in your sign until the 9th when she moves into your money zone giving added earning potential during this time as well as an added confidence boost. Keep your eye on any changes or shifts at this time as you will be receiving a visit from Venus again in October time when enters retrogrades motion. Make some notes each day of anything significant so you can revisit if necessary.

The spotlight for you this month is on self-limiting and self-sabotaging behavior. It might have come from a place that you aren’t conscious of, but once the Sun enters Libra on the 23rd, you’ll be able to focus on what’s important to you and stop putting others first – I know that’s tricky for you Libra!

With the big changes going on in your home life and the deep transformations of your subconscious, you will be feeling the positive effects of Mars now he is in direct motion and grounding his energy more productively. This might actually get other people pulling in the same direction as you, as well as helping you to find your financial footing again.   

The Full Moon in your relationship house might show other people for what they really are during this time, the supportive people and those who secretly wish you ill (who would ever want that for you Libra?!) However, if things have been good with you and a partner, things could move up to the next level. From the 22nd speaking about relationships and equality can redress the balance if necessary.


You’ve been having to deal with a few local issues; perhaps an impossible neighbor prompting the need to establish firm boundaries, or with people who don’t take your personal space and privacy seriously. Home life will have been highlighted for you during this period; subconscious issues surfaced demanding attention.

With Venus moving from your foggy 12th house of confusion and victimisation, into your personal sphere from the 9th, you will enjoy doing things that focus solely on you.

The New Moon signals a new phase in collaborative projects and community involvement. Drawing on your existing friendships to get the message out, the hours you put in now will benefit you in the long run. You will be able to communicate a lot of ideas over your profession and aspirations, the network which can help you achieve your aims and how you can make it work in a personal and humanitarian way.

Venus enters pre-shadow on the 3rd September so pay attention to your thoughts and feelings from this point forward as this could be an indicator of things to come with the impending Venus retrograde.

Issues around work will reach a point of culmination with a fresh perspective on your routine and capabilities. This could be a moment of realisation where you are able to start doing things competitively, or where you are ready to go off and do your own thing.

With the headstrong and forward pace of the Aries Full Moon, expect to feel fired-up and frisky!


Jupiter is currently sauntering through Scorpio and can see the light at the end of the tunnel! However, there is more work that needs to be done so you can’t slack off just yet! With patience being tested as far as the daily grind is concerned, you really are leaving no stone unturned as you look for finding deeper meaning in everything you do. You’ve been fired up needing to express something but the source of irritation is too close to home to really gain any sort of perspective. This is causing you to evaluate how much you are being valued both personally and professionally. When Mars was retrograde there was no point in waging war as there will never be a victor. However, now Mars is direct the changes you implement now may really benefit you in the long term leaving you more independent. The Full Moon in your house of party liaisons and celebrations makes September a month of celebration and let’s face it, with all the parties you like to attend, you are going to need some spare cash!  Taking a leap of faith may be necessary as far as a financial situation is concerned, which could have a transformative effect on your earning potential. A special transit on the 12th could give you magnified magnetism in your money zone. If an opportunity presents itself, take it!  The New Moon sows a seed in your career zone – the little things you do will help get you noticed in the long-run.


Saturn turns direct this month Capricorn, and has been in trine with Uranus for what seems like forever! Not only that, but Mars retrograde is in your sign and has turned direct. Your energies, course of direction and even identity may have shifted over the past few months. You may have had some revelations which really surprised you – That’s Uranus for you. Looking at money, past situations and self-worth, it’s about weighing things up and figuring out whether things are still working. You will also be feeling a strange sensation, be it an issue which feels more than non-negotiable or feeling like you really are scraping the barrel – things just might be about to change. Don’t fret – don’t panic, I’m talking about Pluto and he goes direct in early October – He really is a tough taskmaster but its all for your own good in the end. Situations at home will start moving again from the 11th, with the ability to deal with things using analysis, concept, and logic. Things at home will be in the spotlight later in the month when the Full Moon in Aries highlights your emotional impulse to be independent, paired with your headstrong nature to deal with your issues your own way. Conversations of shared ownership and contractual agreements shift to escaping it all and escaping the daily grind. From the 22nd work will be the topic of discussion and you may find yourself juggling lots of different tasks, or balancing two different career paths.


You will feel the effects of Saturn turning direct this Month Aquarius, but it might feel a little like running through water. The question is, are you meeting resistance through the fault of others, or have you put yourself in this situation as you don’t want to face up to reality? Revelatory Uranus has been working in tandem with Saturn to help shift you from these limiting restrictions. The Full Moon lands in your communication zone making it a great time to venture out and socialise. With Mars retrograde having been all over you like a fat kid on a cupcake, his direct motion is still wreaking havoc with your general outlook. However, from Capricorn, he is at least helping you to implement some of your plans and ideas before pushing you into action from the 11th. From the 22nd you will start to see things take form, with the bigger picture in mind. If you have been thinking about higher education, this could be the time where you decide to invest in a course which will improve your earning potential and broaden your horizons. That said you might just decide to jump on a plane and see the horizon from a completely different angle. With Venus dipping into your career zone from the 9th, expect to reap the rewards of hard work! If you are offered a promotion, make sure you check all the details and only accept if it is really what you want. Don’t dive in too quickly to affairs of the heart at this time though, as Venus is set to retrograde in October.


With the Full Moon this month spotlighting your money and worth zone, you may have to push to do things your own way rather than compromising to keep the peace. Mars retrograde has popped back into your friendship zone and the projects you have been working on have been given the final injection of juice that they needed in order to get going. The friends who have shown themselves for who they really are, know where the door is! Hopefully, you won’t roll out the doormat again for them. From the 11th Mars fires up your unconscious, giving you a great opportunity to get working on your inner landscape. Beware of nagging doubts during this time, not just the doubts of your internal monologue, but also those people in your life who really don’t have your best interests at heart. You can do better than let these people bog you down. Talking about relationships seems to kick a new phase in your partnerships zone and from the 9th gives you an opportunity to start fresh and let go of past attachments. At the same time as one door closing, another one opens and you open yourself up to something new, positive and productive entering your life. You have added attractive zeal from the 9th which practically has other people throwing their money at you. That might be a slight exaggeration, though other people will see the potential in you and will be willing to invest in what you have to offer.