Winding down from the Blue Moon in Libra on March the 31st,  Mercury is retrograde until mid-April. With some challenging aspects from Saturn to the personal planets, we are asked to fix-up and look sharp! Read more about Mercury Retrograde in Aries here. 

If you would like to read your monthly horoscope with a bit more depth, try reading for your sun-sign and Ascendant.

Don’t forget to create your New Moon Wish List for the New Moon in Aries – Why? Find out and get your free diary here.

April 2018 Horoscope Key Dates

  • 01st – Sun–Mercury conjunction
  • 02nd – Mars–Saturn conjunction
  • 04th – Mercury square Mars
  • 05th – Mercury square Saturn
  • 07th – Venus trine Saturn
  • 11th – Venus trine Mars
  • 12th – Venus sextile Neptune
  • 14th – Mars sextile Neptune | Jupiter sextile Pluto
  • 15th – Mercury stations direct
  • 16th – New Moon at 26° Aries (01:57 GMT – 00:57 UT)
  • 17th – Venus Opposite Jupiter | Venus trine Pluto
  • 18th – Sun–Uranus conjunction | Saturn stations retrograde
  • 19th – Sun enters Taurus
  • 22nd – Pluto stations retrograde
  • 24th – Mars sextile Jupiter | Venus enters Gemini
  • 25th – Mercury square Saturn
  • 26th – Mars–Pluto conjunction
  • 29th – Sun trine Saturn
  • 30th – Full Moon at 9° Scorpio (00:58 GMT or 23:58 on 29/05/18 UTC)

Aries It’s your time to shine Aries! This month is about checking in with yourself and being sure you know what you really want. Friendships, finance and career are highlighted for you and the 2nd April is an opportunity to put your energy into a project that will get you some serious respect in the long-term. Time for some critical thinking; do you push to do things your way, or compromise to reach the finish line? You have super-attractive power on the 11th in your self-esteem and earning zone and from the 15th you will be able to put plans into action having potentially turned a complete 180° on a decision you were previously convinced on. The New Moon on the 16th is the perfect time for self-reflection, assessing how to work with others whilst getting the outcome you want and the 24th presents a lucky opportunity which shouldn’t be ignored – If you’ve been wanting to ask for a pay-rise, this would be a good time. You will have persuasion power like no other on the 26th but remember: with great power comes great responsibility – be sure that you use this power wisely and fairly as it has a quality which can grant your wishes – be careful what you wish for!

Taurus, you have permission to indulge yourself a little more than usual this April. You may be feeling low-energy at the beginning of the month. My advice to you is to reconnect with nature; get your feet on some grass and enjoy the blossom on the trees. If you have been dreaming of a holiday, you may well end up booking one on the 11th, or broadening your horizons by signing up to that course you’ve been thinking about. On the 19th, you will have renewed and back to your old self. Be mindful that you don’t overdo things, particularly if an old friend gets in touch that you used to get up to all sorts mischief with! The 17th is a particularly naughty day of over-indulgence and if you happen to be looking for a bit of romance, that could be on the cards too. The Full Moon will present you with another opportunity to spend time with your friends, a party, letting your hair down and blowing off steam before your big transit in May! Yes, May is a big one for you as Uranus enters Taurus, just a heads up as you will need to prepare for some changes.


April is all about friends and commitments Gemini; you may feel like you are undecided about where your loyalties lie at the beginning of the month, feeling torn between a freer existence compared to a joint investment which involves a big commitment. It could be a physical investment, or just your mindset on a situation but by the time Mercury goes direct you will have a better idea. Retreating from mundane life might be the perfect solution to quiet your mind and hear the truth coming through. Your part in a shared project or enterprise gets a boost this month, and once you have decided where your passion, focus and energy is best directed, you will be able to put a lot of effort and hard work into making it a success. Venus moves into Gemini on the 24th which gives you attractive power which will open up a number of opportunities for you. It is also a great time to be self-indulgent and invest in yourself. Take a bath and read that book you have been meaning to read, take a break and take up that hobby you never seem to find the time to do.


Work is highlighted for you this month, with a particular emphasis on the amount of energy you will be putting in. You have a strong network of friends that you value highly; they may be able to offer some time to go out and enjoy yourself during the coming month. Balancing your friendships, relationships and professional life will be the challenge this month where you may spread yourself too thin. The New Moon in Aries on the 16th is in your house of career and public image, you may decide it is time for a change and set out on a new path. Having to strike a balance between serving your own interests and those of others will be highlighted on the 17th and you will have a chance to have your contributions recognised by others also sharing your vision. This is a lucky time so make sure you take advantage of any opportunities that come your way. The Full Moon in Scorpio on the 30th highlights your house of fun and special gifts, so make sure you spend time doing something you enjoy. However, exercise moderation as this Full Moon won’t necessarily recognise when enough is enough!


Leo you have some positive transits this month which will give you the chance to be seen in the best light. Starting from the 7th, your hard work and determination at work is just about to pay off, with a positive and favourable transit from your career zone. Time for some well earned recognition! With the planet of charisma and congeniality highlighting your public image for a good part of the month, you will be in prime bargaining position. You’ll be able to persuade others that your consistency and commitment is worth financial investment. If you want a pay-rise, your request will be looked upon more favourably on the 7th. The real change is yet to come in May which will give you a new type of independence. Embrace it! From the 24th you will have a chance to network and make new friends who share an interest or are in a similar situation. The Full Moon on the last day of the month will be in your home zone, and you may find yourself reminiscing about the past but looking towards the future with a healthy respect for the resilience and hard work it has taken to get where you are now.

With your ruling planet Mercury in retrograde motion for the first part of the month, you may feel the need go back over things and check the details. You might be speaking to solicitors or looking over legal documents; you may have made a commitment where you are responsible for looking after other people’s valued possessions. There is also the potential you may find yourself with some family commitments which though a rather hefty responsibility, may suit you quite well. From the 15th, you will feel ready to move forward after a slow start to the month. Amidst your current commitments and the big changes of late, you may find yourself longing for a bit of travel and culture! The 17th is a positive date for travel, or investing in movement of some description, be it a holiday or a short trip more locally. As Venus moves into your public image and reputation zone from the 24th, you may be called upon to represent your company or job in some way or your diligence and dedication will be rewarded. However, there is still an element of perfection that you will strive to achieve before you are convinced you deserve the kudos.


Money may be a bit tight this month; be wary not to overdo the spending as there is an excess transit occurring on the 17th which may leave you a little lighter in the wallet – the 7th is a good day to plan your budget and set positive spending intentions, and you may come up with a way to make some money from home or working with family. Home life may be a little frustrating and there is a sense of responsibility or commitment implied which may be the source of this tension. With the New Moon on the 16th highlighting your partnership zone, relationships and compromise will be brought to your personal sphere. Perhaps you have been polite for too long, not saying what you truly think to keep the peace. It is important that you take action at home and redress equilibrium as otherwise you may feel taken for granted. When your ruling planet Venus moves into your expansion zone on the 24th, the bigger picture may begin to make more sense. However, you might decide you want to have a change of environment and take yourself off on an adventure somewhere which puts things into context for you.


The feeling of futility at the beginning of the month is short lived, Scorpio. It may be that you are flat-out with study, managing paperwork or having to do someone’s dirty work for them but serious focus will be directed on these tasks until the pressure eases off on the 7th. Your efforts for the hard work and commitment will be rewarded on the 17th. This is a day for positivity and indulgence, so make sure you measure your celebrations with moderation. For the whole of April but particularly from the 19th your relationship zone will be highlighted, where you may find yourself more inclined to indulge in romantic endeavours. However, it is also a good time for you to Indulge yourself and spend some time doing things you love with people you love. As the month wears on be wary to exercise an element of caution in the things that you do as the signature for excessive behaviour is strong for you right now. With the Full Moon on the 30th in your personal sphere, you may spend some time looking at how far you’ve come, (the highs and the lows) and giving yourself permission to come out of your cave and let your hair down.


Some serious money management may be in order as you re-evaluate your finances and what you want to spend them on in the long-run. The 2nd is a great day to focus on your long term-plan and prioritise what you truly value. But it’s also about having fun and with passion and creativity highlighted this month, meeting other people will bring you opportunities to achieve some of your professional goals. The New Moon in Aries on the 16th is a great time to set intentions for the future – if you want to branch out independently in a new direction, or develop your special talents in a way that could earn you money in the future, this is a great time to start planning how you want to do so. During April your daily routine will feel less of a chore. Cooperation with colleagues will enable you to achieve a lot more this month as the planet of congeniality sweeps through your work zone. The Full Moon on the 30th is close to your ruling planet Jupiter currently cruising the house of solitude and sacrifice; you may feel the need to conserve your energy and retreat during this period.


From early April you will be feeling the pressure to achieve your personal targets and goals. Since your ruling planet Saturn entered your sign in December 2017, you’ve been diligently working and April promises to be particularly productive. The 2nd is a great time to take action on a long-term plan and get some firm foundations laid. The opportunity to indulge in your hobbies and let your hair down will be a welcome break on the 7th where you are able to socialise and have fun. You will be fired up throughout the month and challenging yourself to improve. Expect the work you do to create sparks! It may be stressful at times, but you will definitely get results. The New Moon on the 16th is a great time to make changes at home and in your family life. With certain issues really ‘getting your goat’ recently, turning over a new leaf at the New Moon creates a new pathway for the future. The 24th revisits some issues from the recent Mercury retrograde, with a chance to set things right. For you it will be around colleagues, work, routine and health. The Full Moon on the 30th will be another chance to let your hair down again and have a great time with friends.


During April, your energy is dispersed but your intuition is strong. You are currently transitioning Aquarius, so figuring out your plan of attack on the 2nd gives you a chance to focus on an end goal rather than trying to muster all your energy right now. The New Moon on the 16th is a time for introspection as your ruling planet Uranus is drafted in to shake things up. Pressing the reset button for you, this New Moon refreshes the canvas in order for you to implement plans for the coming months. During the New Moon you may find yourself revisiting old ideas and injecting a fresh perspective. If you’ve been thinking of travelling, getting involved with your local community in some way or studying some courses this is the time to reflect on what you really want. The 18th is a charged day with lots going on for you. You may have a sudden realisation that you haven’t been 100% realistic about your goals or they aren’t in keeping with your true course in life. From the 25th bringing a new practice into your routine will give you a boost and give you mind, body and spiritual satisfaction. Yoga or Qigong is a great way to work with external energy to give yourself a natural boost.

Not being one who really cares about objects or physical wealth Pisces, you are having a re-think about your financial situation and how to make the best of it. Work might have slowed down, or it could be getting in the way of what you are truly passionate about. You may decide to do some temp-work in your local area or perhaps selling some of your possessions in order to raise funds. The 7th and 12th are both good days to do this. Recently, your friendship group has seen some changes; you are more inclined to meeting groups of people with shared interests as opposed to having exclusive one-to-one friendships. Your creative and communication abilities will be fruitful on the 17th when you are able to reach out in a bigger way and make some lasting contacts with people who believe in your mission. This is a great day for collaboration and your potential for outreach will be magnified. Private life and home will get a lift from the 24th and you may think about moving, or at least going on a little adventure. Ultimately you could find yourself particularly inspired to write, create and produce. The Full Moon in Scorpio will highlight the need to broaden your horizons.