The Zodiac Signs

  • #025 The 13th Zodiac Sign, Ophiuchus?

    An image of a snake on a cosmic backdrop of nabulae and stars with a solar system diagram between the two. To Symbolise the possibility of the 13th zodiac sign Ophiuchus.

    You may have heard about a 13th Zodiac Sign called Ophiuchus, the Serpent Bearer (between Scorpio and Sagittarius). Stories of the “13th Zodiac sign” do the rounds every couple of years and I get lots of emails and messages from people freaking out that their zodiac sign is wrong, and their whole life is a…

  • #024 The Zodiac Signs: Pisces

    Two Guppies in the ocean facing each other in the style of the Pisces Zodiac Glyph, with solarsystem halos behind them

    The Astrological Zodiac is made up of 12 signs â€“ the twelfth and final sign of which is Mutable Water sign, perceptive Pisces. In episode #024 I discuss the zodiac’s most compassionate sign and her best and worst qualities. Join me as I explore our oceanic zodiac sign’s presence in the charts of celebrities and subscribers. Support…

  • #023 The Zodiac Signs: Aquarius

    A woman wearing a grecian outfit and bearing a jug of water and stars pours the contents onto the ground below her. Behind her are the northern lights and a solar system halo encircles her.

    The Astrological Zodiac is made up of 12 signs – the eleventh of which is Fixed Air sign, activist Aquarius. In episode #023 I discuss the Zodiac’s abstract thinker at his best and worst, and explore a few Aquarian charts of celebrities and subscribers. Also discussed is my plan for the Podcast for 2021: an…