Month: September 2019

  • Cancer Monthly Horoscope | September 2019

    June 22-July 22 It hasn’t been easy, but your hard work has finally paid off – now it’s time to translate theory into practice and put your new skills to good use.  If making the transition feels daunting, then trust your cosmic super-power: intuition. You’re the most gut-driven sign of the zodiac so follow what…

  • Leo Monthly Horoscope | September 2019

    July 23-August 23 There’s no doubt in the fact that Leo’s are very talented felines: they lead by example, inspiring confidence in those around them and encouraging people to do what they love.  So what happens when big cats aren’t getting the satisfaction they crave in life? Simple: They follow the beat of their heart. …

  • Virgo Monthly Horoscope | September 2019

    August 24-September 22 Feeling fired up for action and ready for hard work, trailblazer Mars sets the pace early this month, giving you confidence in a project close to your heart.  So you’re under no illusion, the workload will make Everest seem like a bump in the road, and whenever you get a spare moment,…