July 23-August 23

Inspired by the promise of a new decade, you’re feeling tempted to flip the script and re-write your storyline! Through hard work and dedication you’ve established a stable routine which brings you consistency and familiarity – unfortunately, the leonine luxury of your comfort zone doesn’t feed your soul the way it used to.

Avoid acting hastily as the 10th’s Full Moon eclipse in your self-sabotage zone could leave you regretting some of your choices. Instead, consult your trusted advisors who can put a fresh spin on your current situation.

The sun’s tussle with awakener Uranus on the 23rd will offer a clearer idea of which direction to proceed. Whichever path you choose, be sure it’s because you’re following your heart and not a subconscious desire for drama.  

This horoscope was originally created for The Ethical Hedonist Magazine

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