October 23-November 22

A few years back, you committed to a vision which has spurred you through tough times – now you’re at the precipice of making this vision a reality and things are getting very real. 

Exciting as this is, the hard work has just begun as you spend your time filling out paperwork, testing your knowledge, and creating a solid pathway for your future. 

Having faith that everything will work out is important, but exercising practicality is equally so. Avoid taking risks or making big commitments around the 10th or the Full Moon Eclipse could obscure an important factor from view. 

Instead, exercise some of that famous Scorpionic scrutiny to ensure your 2020 vision is as seamless as possible – when you finally reach that finish line you’ll be proud that you left no stone un-turned!

This horoscope was originally created for The Ethical Hedonist Magazine

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