Amanda C

  • #026 The Planets: The Luminaries: The Sun

    The Astrological Sun is the essence of our natal charts and describes our core personality traits and the themes and lessons we encounter on our life journey.  However (like all things in astrology) it isn’t that simple! The meaning of the astrological Sun is so multifaceted we could spend aeons discussing the many layers of…

  • #022 The Zodiac Signs: Capricorn

    The Astrological Zodiac is made up of 12 signs – the tenth of which is Cardinal Earth sign, conscientious Capricorn. In episode #022 I discuss the G.O.A.T. & C.E.O. of the zodiac, and her best and worst qualities. Join me as I explore our cautious goats presence in the charts of celebrities and subscribers. Oh…