
  • Five Things I Love About Each of the Signs

    I often spend time with my friends and come away thinking about the positive attributes of their signs and how great they are at working with what they’ve got. I felt inspired to write a little list of five things I love about each of the signs, and believe me, it was hard to narrow…

  • July 2018 Horoscopes

    Go Cancer, it’s your birthday! Until the 22nd when Leo steals the spotlight. It’s a pretty eventful month with Jupiter turning direct on the 10th and Mars retrograde throughout (There really is no point starting that diet at the moment as motivation will be hard to muster) read more about Mars retrograde here. There are two eclipses:…

  • Uranus in Taurus so far | Take the Power Back

    Uranus entered Taurus on the 15th May and I know a few people with planets or angles in the fixed signs, who felt the ingress in a particularly prominent way. Its been a shake-up for some, an awakening for others and for all has brought in a necessity for change in particular areas of their lives.…