The Houses

  • #045 The Houses: Angular, Succedent & Cadent

    Just before I move away from the houses discussion, I want to briefly discuss a different way of dividing the chart and viewing the houses.  By dividing houses into their associated mode or quadruplicity, the houses fall into three categories: Anglar Succeedent Cadent Angular Houses The houses that line up with the angles: 1 & 7,…

  • #042 The Houses: 6 & 12 | Servitude & Resignation

    We’ve made it! We’ve taken a walk around the twelve houses of the horoscope exploring the relationship between the dualities of the houses. And now we find ourselves concluding our journey at the points of service and resignation: the 6th and 12th houses. This 6th house is where we find our routine, our personal patterns…