Month: July 2019

  • Stop Freaking Out! Why Your Star Sign Hasn’t Changed

    Every now and again an article NASA published a long time ago resurfaces, bringing with it insane panic among astrology lovers. Astrologers get terribly infuriated by this ‘fake news’ especially coming from a reputable source like NASA. Astrologers are well aware of astronomical phenomena surrounding our area of expertise – we wouldn’t be able to…

  • Leo Mercury Retroscope | July 2019

    As a natural leader you have confidence in your decisive approach to life but as Mercury starts back tracking, you begin to doubt your decision-making ability. This isn’t such a bad thing as you’ll be open to options you wouldn’t have previously considered.  Some time alone to go within could reveal areas of your life…

  • Virgo Mercury Retroscope | July 2019

    Taking a break with friends could be just what the doctor ordered; a change of environment without the responsibilities of the daily grind will help shake off the stress and complications of life. Even the things you used to enjoy for enjoyment’s sake feel as though they’ve become a sense of duty, so getting back…