As a natural leader you have confidence in your decisive approach to life but as Mercury starts back tracking, you begin to doubt your decision-making ability.

This isn’t such a bad thing as you’ll be open to options you wouldn’t have previously considered. 

Some time alone to go within could reveal areas of your life where you feel wronged or even sabotaged.

Be totally honest with yourself – the truth can be painful sometimes, but it’ll provide you with the closure you need.

Your true values will go through a maturation process and by the end of the month the New Moon in Leo will give you a chance to start fresh with a new approach to life.

Exercising forgiveness and releasing past gripes will help you improve your relationship with others, and (more importantly) yourself.

Related posts:

Creating A New Moon Wish List

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom