Happy birthday Aquarius! Feeling particularly self-reflective, you are able to process the changes you have experienced since May 2018. These changes are still underway and will continue to develop as your ruling planet Uranus re-enters Taurus in March – watch this space as far as that’s concerned!

The sense of an impending shift creates the desire to have one final fling with reckless abandon, before applying yourself to a project at home which requires stamina in order to achieve tangible results.

The beginning of the year has got off to an incredibly swift start and since things have shifted to forward motion you’ve been unstoppable.

An unexpected turn of events on the 13th showcases your unique talents and accelerates progress in your chosen field. Use the self-reflective New Moon on the 4th to release a few outdated beliefs and harness your true potential. In the process, don’t be surprised if you pique the interest of someone influential.

Once Mars enters Taurus on the 14th home life will be your main point of focus and you could find your personal life becomes a little stressful as you struggle to strike a work-life balance.

Leave the office at the office, and focus on improving your living situation long-term. Home life will have a renewed sense of vitality and it’s a great time to lay new foundations and refresh your environment.

Read more:

Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity

Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom

Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods