It’s a challenging start to the month with motivational Mars locked into a power struggle with non-negotiable Pluto. You’ll find yourself wanting to take action but being at the mercy of a situation laced with hidden agendas, subtext, and serious repercussions.

Just like taking a stroll through a field full of doo-doo in the middle of the night; you could end up a few inches taller, having stepped in something which raises your head above the parapet. Concerns about your reputation could prevent you from taking action. So are you the person being held to ransom, or are you in the driving seat? As long as you stay true to yourself, the right outcome should surface. From the 2nd the most challenging aspects of this transit will be behind you and you can begin to make progress.

Soon enough you start to gain momentum and at this point you get sucked into a spontaneous Uranian vortex! Your front-running nature is pulled into a temperamental tunnel of hasty, unpredictable behaviour, so be mindful not to take action without taking careful time to consider the consequences. Eagerness could lead you to make a snap decision impacting your long-term progress and could detract from the promise of freedom which spurred your decision in the first place.

You’ll feel a shift on the 14th as Mars moves into tactile Taurus prompting you to get physical! With all that unstable energy pinging around like a bee under a bonnet, you might find it productive to burn some of that energy off taking up a physical activity like boxing, or dance. Driven by the need for tangible results, you turn your attention to your core values, your self-worth, and your earning potential. If nothing else, you might decide to go on a spending spree and treat yourself – because you’re worth it!

The Full Moon on the 26th Highlights your routine and wellness zone, so make make time for self-care. After an erratic start to February, wind down the month by implementing some consistency in your routine, and perhaps a well-earned massage.

Read more:

Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity

Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom

Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods