Inspired by a post I saw on Instagram today, I felt compelled to write about my experience of Jupiter on my Moon. Not the nitty-gritty, (perhaps a post for another day) but the gifts I was given as a result of my emotionally turbulent year. Like the true teacher he is, Jupiter taught me a thing or two during his time in Scorpio.

The quote said: “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

It felt poignant to me at that moment, and I have a lot of gratitude for the lessons and introspection I have gained as a result of this rather incredible transit, which was not what I expected at all. I should mention that I am also having Uranus oppose my natal Pluto—ruler of my moon—at 29° Libra. So obviously that has a big part to play, but Jupiter has his own special gift which I gained from his education.

Massive Introspection

Like the true teacher he is, Jupiter taught me a thing or two during his time in Scorpio. Having a Scorpio Moon opposite Chiron in Taurus—both square Mars in Aquarius—Jupiter (ruler of my Descendant) opened me up to deep exploration of my emotions, self-worth, and past experiences through my homelife, relationships, friendships, and community.

I’ve been awakened to deeply ingrained generational patterns and dealt with some pretty ugly situations. I had to address the impact other people had on my emotional environment, how much power I give them, and how much I project my own negative traits as a way of protecting myself.

Sweating The Small Stuff

But within that struggle, I had moments of truth, learning about myself as a soul having a human experience. An experience where I found myself acknowledging the truth about myself, and understanding this about other people – people that I wanted to hate and separate from my existence as much as possible.

But I realised—just as I did with my own parents—that these imperfect humans struggle with their own challenges, battle their own demons, muddling through life making the best choices they can.

Priceless Advice

I was offered a priceless piece of advice: “If you can’t change the situation, change your attitude towards it”.

I focussed on WHY I was feeling the way I was, WHY I reacted the way I did, and I looked at what the possible MEANING could be. That’s when I made my personal discovery; I empowered myself, let go of pain, suffering, anger, sadness, guilt. I evolved, mentally, emotionally, spiritually.

I saw my difficulties for the lessons that they were: the anger for the freedom it offered me, the sadness for the realisation that I am moving forward & cannot possess or control the moments that pass.

Attitude: Gratitude

OK, so I went through some deep, dark stuff, but I gained a deep perspective over a number of issues. My relationship with food changed completely, and I am now at a healthy weight, I gained a lot of confidence in myself and forgave myself for some of the things I found hard to get over from recent years. I was able to let go of old eating habits and embrace a new attitude toward food. I have also been blessed with great friends and an incredibly supportive and understanding partner—a Sagittarius with Jupiter rising—who helped me feel emotionally secure when everything else was blown out of proportion.

Thank you, Jupiter 🙏🏻