You’ve been feeling heavy taskmaster Saturn, cruising through your opposite sign Capricorn for quite some time now (since December 2017, actually). Entering your life in the form of authority figures, you’ll likely have encountered other people who want to encourage mastery from you, making you offers which are rewarded financially but testing commitment to your own authentic journey.

Things probably feel quite heavy with these imposing forces in your life. However, other people are leading by example, inspiring you to live a more genuine existence, and encouraging you to be true to yourself.

But what does that even mean? Well actually you know what you should be doing, be it to impress mum and dad, or to pay the bills. But actually, what about being happy? What about living a fulfilling existence? What makes your heart sing?

Venus enters your opposite sign on the 3rd to give you a helping hand when looking for that fulfillment. During her time in Capricorn, you may start wondering what you should do in order to feel good when you shut off from the outside world in the haven of your home. It could also be about addressing a sense of community and if you haven’t found your ‘tribe’, a search could be triggered.

Talking to other people during this time will help you on your way. People really value and respect you for who you are and what you do. You are incredibly resilient and aren’t scared to fight for others. You are the zodiac’s carer and people always remember who nurtures them as it enables healthy growth, emotional security, and happy memories.

It’s certainly a great time to be spending with other people and for the entire month of February you can enjoy an enriched home and social life. You may even reconnect with your roots, or discover your tribe through genealogy.

A lot of your efforts have been around work as you continue to impress others with your focus and flare. Once Mars moves into your networking zone from the 14th (Valentine’s day) you’ll find yourself fired up for social engagement. Just try to give that irritating friend a wide berth – you might end up being a snappy crab! However, we all have that one friend who just doesn’t get boundaries, so make sure you stand your ground, rather than retreating into your shell.

The Full Moon on the 19th is a real power-up in your communication zone; your networking skills will be on fire, just make sure you don’t become too critical of others.

Read more:

Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity

Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom

Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods