Working diligently and dealing with the big changes in your life, Venus retrogradein your career zonereveals what really matters in your quest to the top of the mountain. By process of elimination, she has eradicated the options that aren’t right for you. Remember: it’s about striking the right balance rather than pining for power.

Family and home-life get one final shake-up as Uranus re-visits Aries for four months, asking you to make the final necessary changes to your living arrangements. From the 8th, Jupiter enters your zone of solitude and self-sabotage, so be wary not to have too much faith in other people as their agenda may be well concealed.

Being able to express yourself and put thoughts into written word will be easier for you from the 15th, as the poetry will flow. Saturn in Capricorn is bringing structure to everything you do and helping you to master your environment. Relinquishing control of your thought process is an act of rebellion against your complex inner-critic.

The Full Moon highlights your daily juggling act and having the ability to manage various projects has taken on a life of its own.

Capricorn | The Sea Goat | December 22nd to January 19th
Capricorn | The Sea Goat | December 22nd to January 19th