It’s an extra-social period for you Leo, and you’ll be in the mingling mood, more so than ever throughout April. Choose your confidantes wisely – not everyone you speak to guards your best interests.

A community project bringing like-minded people together gets a boost as Mars ignites your network. It’s a great time to raise awareness and you’ll be crushing social media during this period!

Embracing a new philosophy could be liberating for you and a shift in perspective might inspire a last-minute getaway. There’s nothing like embracing spontaneity and soaking up some culture to get the creative juices flowing! The 14th is a great day to book that break, let go, and rise above some of the issues which have consumed you lately.

The 19th’s Full Moon highlights some of the big changes which have played out in your personal life over the past 12 to 18 months. The rigmarole of mediation, contracts, and legal matters could reach a resolution. Use this time to let go of unnecessary ties, and forgive yourself (and others) for flippant comments made in the heat of the moment.   

The temptation to make big changes without thinking them through could leave you in a sticky spot on the 22nd. If the monotony of work is too intense, pull a sickie rather than throwing the towel in.

It’s also worth noting that your romantic associations could find themselves in the spotlight, so if you’re not ready to go public just yet, switch date-night for a duvet day.   

Read more:

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom