The beginning of the year has a serious and ambitious feel to it, which is a good practical start after all the partying and pleasure seeking of December.

Getting yourself back on an even keel after letting your mane down over the festive season, is just what the doctor ordered. Having time doing what you want with the people you love has given you a chance to reflect over the past year and the changes it has brought for you.

Home life has improved for you enabling  you to review other areas of your life for improvement. One of the new phases which is set to unfold for the year is in your work, routine, and lifestyle. If you’ve wanted to make changes in your daily life which have a lasting affect, the New Moon is the time to wish for it and this no-nonsense partial eclipse in Capricorn allows you to implement boundaries, be taken seriously by others, and to embrace the deep transformation which has been occurring for you over the past 12 months.

The Full moon and total Lunar eclipse presses hard-reset on your entire outlook and gives you a chance for some self-reflection. It’s time for some serious you-time, and your friends and trusted confidants can provide you with some much needed support in order to give you the room to grow.

January is a great time to book a holiday or develop your skills in order to take advantage of what the world has to offer. 

Leo Key Dates

02) Sun semi-sextile Jupiter | Sun conjunct Saturn

04) Sun sextile Jupiter | Mercury trine Uranus

06) Venus quincunx Uranus | Uranus stations | New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse 15°25’ Capricorn at 01:28  

11) Sun conjunct Pluto

14) Mercury semi-sextile Jupiter | Mercury sextile Neptune | ¼ Moon 23°48’ Aries at 06:46

19) Sun square Uranus | Sun semi-square Neptune

20) Venus semi-sextile Saturn | Venus bi-quintile Uranus | Sun enters Aquarius

21) Sun semi-square Jupiter | Venus square Neptune | Mars square Saturn | Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse 0°52’ Leo

23) Sun quintile Mars | Mercury square Uranus

27) Mercury quintile Mars | Venus semi-sextile Pluto | ¾ Moon 7°38’ Scorpio at 21:10

30) Sun conjunct Mercury

Read more:

Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity

Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom

Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods
