2019 starts off with a lot of noise coming from your relationship house; it’s already seen a few changes, most recently when Uranus re-entered Aries back in November 2018.

The instigative qualities of eclipse season accelerates awareness in your social group and community, and starts a new phase in your home and family zone. Your focus will be on what is important to you as well as how much you value yourself and your time. Meditating on your psychological basement, you might find that you uncover some personal revelations which help you to get over self-sabotaging behaviours and negative thought patterns.

There is an unstable and unpredictable energy to the month which continues into February. However the Aries moon on the 14th triggers a need for freedom which has you pining for space whilst you manage some of your temperamental relationships.

Money might be feeling a little tight this month (to be expected after party season) and the Scorpio Moon on the 27th highlights the need for attention to this area of your life. You’ll likely be craving change and considering your options from the 7th onwards, which will continue throughout the month.

Libra Key Dates

06) Venus quincunx Uranus | Uranus stations | New Moon and Partial Solar Eclipse 15°25’ Capricorn at 01:28  

07) Uranus direct | Venus enters Sagittarius

18) Mercury conjunct Pluto | Venus trine Mars

20) Venus semi-sextile Saturn | Venus bi-quintile Uranus | Sun enters Aquarius

21) Venus square Neptune

22) Venus conjunct Jupiter

27) Mercury quintile Mars | Venus semi-sextile Pluto | ¾ Moon 7°38’ Scorpio at 21:10

29) Mercury semi-square Venus

Read more:

Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity

Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom

Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods
