Your outlook really starts to open up this month, especially around your ambitions and future; perceived limitations which prevented you entering a course of development could prove to be an intensely enriching experience and your commitments may suddenly free up allowing you more time to invest in your personal growth.

Embracing optimism is a fantastic way of lifting yourself through every challenge you face and you’ll suddenly realise you were always capable of the things you doubted you could do.

Value your privacy and remember not to overshare approaching the 9th as disclosing information to the wrong person could fuel a dramatic situation and leave you feeling let-down and exposed.

Remember that confidences could be broken which could irrevocably damage relationships and if you don’t want certain information getting into the wrong hands, make sure you keep your lips buttoned. It’s just not worth engaging in gossip if you can avoid it – no matter how juicy!

Travel is on your mind and you’re feeling the pull towards new meaningful experiences. We all felt deeply moved to see Notre Dame burning – it was so symbolic. But something around that image spoke to the collective soul in a way that can’t be described, compelling us to indulge in some spiritual enrichment.

Perhaps a memory from this life, or the last – you have been inspired to dig deep and immerse yourself in a learning experience. Whether you’re the student or the teacher, your craving for an expansive experience could reach fruition by the Full Moon.

Continuing through to the end of the month, time spent with others gives rise to uplifting and mutually beneficial experiences, particularly around the 31st.

Read more:

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom