January tends to be a time where everyone winds down after party season, but not for you Sagittarius! 2019 kicks off with a boost in your fun and frolicking zone and your need to party and enjoy pleasure seeking activities is enhanced. It’s a great time to get into exercise if you can find something you enjoy.

The New Moon on the 6th triggers a new phase in your financial affairs, and coaxes the growth of an important phase when laying the foundations for the coming 18 months. It’s the perfect time to have a serious conversation about the future and long-term plans.

Amiable Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 7th, and with her brings permission to indulge the senses, as she makes her way to a conjunction with your ruling planet Jupiter on the 22nd. Negotiating issues in your home life where boundaries aren’t being observed, will be eased.

The Full Moon on the 21st steers the focus towards looking at the bigger picture and inspiring hope as it allows a clean slate for stagnant and outdated perspectives. This isn’t any old Full Moon though, it’s a total lunar eclipse so will help you to release self-limiting beliefs and encourage you to believe in yourself and your personal capabilities and gifts.

The conversation of ownership with a partner will continue throughout January as you look at what matters most to you and how you can maintain a balance between serving both your own needs and requirements against those of your partner (business or romantic).   

Sagittarius Key Dates

02) Sun semi-sextile Jupiter | Sun conjunct Saturn

04) Sun sextile Jupiter | Mercury trine Uranus

07) Uranus direct | Venus enters Sagittarius

13) Mercury conjunct Saturn | Jupiter square Neptune

14) Mercury semi-sextile Jupiter | Mercury sextile Neptune | ¼ Moon 23°48’ Aries at 06:46

21) Sun semi-square Jupiter | Venus square Neptune | Mars square Saturn | Full Moon and Total Lunar Eclipse 0°52’ Leo

22) Venus conjunct Jupiter | Mars semi-sextile Neptune

23) Sun quintile Mars | Mercury square Uranus

24) Mercury semi-square Neptune | Mercury enters Aquarius

25) Mercury semi-square Jupiter | Mars square Jupiter

Read more:

Venus Retrograde 2018 | Bipolarity And Lacking Clarity

Mars Retrograde 2018 | The Peak of the Furnace

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom

Mercury Retrograde November 2018 | Hammer Of The Gods
