Making a commitment to change in your daily life could really pay off for you and sowing the seeds on the New Moon in Taurus will enable your intentions to flourish as the coming months unfold.

Why not ramp-up your exercise game like you’ve been threatening to do, or make some adjustments to your diet?

Investing in your wellness through alternative methods could really have a positive impact on you. But perhaps the changes need to be more of an external adjustment (rather than internal) as you may be feeling the need to develop yourself in your line of work, or potentially even your immediate circle.

The pitter-patter of tiny paws could be calling you and the desire to get a pet could be a symbol for a deeper change you haven’t yet acknowledged.

The planet of fertility continues to move through your creativity zone and if you aren’t on board with the growth of your family unit, make sure you exercise caution (especially approaching the 9th). It’ll be all too easy to over-indulge and be drawn into an intense situation which will be hard to resist.

The Sun begins his annual journey through your relationship zone on the 21st and with it brings a social vibe which you may find hard to ignore! Take advantage of solar vibes illuminating your meetings with others by greeting opportunities with a big fat YES!

The ¾ Moon in Pisces on the 26th highlights your home zone, putting an emphasis on introspection during this time. In your quest to mingle with the best of them, don’t forget to check in with yourself and enjoy a little down-time.

Read more:

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom