You’re currently working through your future plans, thinking about foreign lands, enriching experiences, and expanding your mind. This is all possible with a strategy.

The New Moon on the 3rd is a great time to make a commitment to your future vision. Set intentions at this point as it’s not time to take action in this area, but the time to observe your thoughts and feelings. You’ll be able to work through any decisions you may have to make and might discover you’ve got more options than you first thought.

Your boundaries will be tested while aiming for your dreams, and establishing them could be tricky. It’s one thing to tell someone you aren’t happy with the way they’re behaving, but if you have to deal with a nightmare neighbour or get into a feud in the local community, the situation becomes more delicate.

Fortunately, you have auspicious Venus in your house of entanglement, so any legal process where middle-men (like solicitors) have to be involved will be granted blessings.

If you don’t want to get into a difficult situation which could make life very difficult then you need to exercise some of that Venusian diplomacy! She’ll assist you from the 9th and getting things moving in a positive direction sooner than first thought.

The Full Moon on the 17th highlights your values so make sure you remain true to these and yourself, when making your future plans.

You’ll have a fresh way of seeing things from the 27th and should see a way of breaking away from the outworn situations which hold you back. Freedom is a perspective – embrace it.

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