Sweet relief! Your ruling planet Venus is turning direct this month. Over the past four to six weeks you’ve had to consider what really matters to you. Having reviewed your romantic endeavours, you will reach a decision: Are you in or are you out? There’s no sitting on the fence here!

When the planet of luck lands in your inheritance and shared wealth zone from the 8th you might find money comes a little easier. Be sure not to borrow if you haven’t the means to manage the repayments, and remember: Mercury goes retro from the 17th asking you to engage logic rather than signing on the dotted line in blind faith.

With a particular focus on work and finances, a situation on the 15th causes you to look at your career plans again and figure out if you really are on the right track not least because your finances have been a bit of a juggling act; you might find yourself craving a little more money and little more respect! The Full Moon on the 23rd of November asks you how much you truly value yourself. In the throes of a big shift, your priorities are undergoing total renovation.


Taurus | The Bull | April 20th to May 20th
Taurus | The Bull | April 20th to May 20th