Month: December 2018

  • Libra Monthly Horoscope | January 2019

    2019 starts off with a lot of noise coming from your relationship house; it’s already seen a few changes, most recently when Uranus re-entered Aries back in November 2018. The instigative qualities of eclipse season accelerates awareness in your social group and community, and starts a new phase in your home and family zone. Your…

  • Virgo Monthly Horoscope | January 2019

    January starts with an adrenaline injection in your commitments and shared commodities zone as you begin to wind down from taking care of everyone else over the festive period. Find yourself in the presence of children, or thinking about them as you get back into your daily routine and creating some order at home; your…

  • Leo Monthly Horoscope | January 2019

    The beginning of the year has a serious and ambitious feel to it, which is a good practical start after all the partying and pleasure seeking of December. Getting yourself back on an even keel after letting your mane down over the festive season, is just what the doctor ordered. Having time doing what you…