December 22-January 20

There’s no place like home so getting your nest in order will be high on your list of priorities this month, as no place feels like home to you, Capricorn. 

In order to do so, you’ll have to exercise your diplomatic skills to the max when dealing with people who test your patience.

However, revealing your vulnerable side can endear you to others and help to break down that cool as a cucumber persona which gives off the impression that you’re all work and no play (or is that just your resting bitch face?).

A great way to channel some of your frustrations is through exercise, which could make all the difference between having a very public meltdown, or successfully negotiating a situation with a fair outcome for all involved.

So remember to grab those trainers, plug in your favourite Spotify playlist, and “Run Forrest, run!”

This horoscope was originally created for The Ethical Hedonist Magazine.

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