Having survived the recent Mercury retrograde like a pro, the floodgates have opened and your creative outlets are flowing. You’ve been able to immerse yourself in fun and enjoyment, letting your passion and creativity steer you.

As the type of person who likes to dissect a subject on the deepest level possible, during April (and for the next 7 weeks, in fact) you’ll be intensely interested in getting to the bottom of issues most people would shy away from.

It could be time to have some psychotherapy and explore your personal hidden depths, or you may decide to immerse yourself in an arduous series like Making a Murderer 2 on Netflix. You might even decide you want to learn more about the occult!

Whatever you end up doing, something will surface for you, that you weren’t expecting to find, and this could be a very healing time for you as you uncover some hidden gems in your psyche.

A romantic liaison tempts you to open up more than usual but be cautious about how quickly you decide to get involved. You’re normally very astute but you can’t always get it right. The motivations of others will be exposed in the light of the Full Moon on the 19th, so be sure that you’ve taken time to reflect and listen to the select few that you trust. Most of all, trust your intuition.

Read more:

Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom