Sharing your burdens on 2nd of April could stop you feeling so trapped, but It’s not a great day for direct communication. If you do decide to share, make sure it’s with a trustworthy person and try to be as clear as possible. You may struggle to say what you really mean during this time, and could be persuaded into something you’d rather not do.

Having said that, it’s a great day for creativity and artistic endeavours. Channel your thoughts into creative writing or get the watercolours out. You might just impress yourself!

It’s fine to decline the requests of others – ‘No’ is not a dirty word! Of course some people are happy to receive all the support you can offer; Practice asserting yourself, and on the 7th put your foot down and prioritise your personal goals ahead of other people’s causes.

The light of the Full Moon on the 19th highlights your self-worth, which often gets overlooked due to your attentiveness to other people’s needs. Reaffirming your boundaries is a great way of reminding yourself why it is important to take time for yourself. By doing so you can to let go of any guilt you feel about wanting more freedom – you owe it to yourself.

You have the opportunity to make some lasting changes on the 22nd, which could have a positive impact on your entire outlook. As long as what you are doing resonates with you and makes you happy, why not invest in that course, or book that holiday?

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Jupiter In Sagittarius 2018 | Rise Above It

Uranus in Taurus 2018 | A Tenacious Break for Freedom